Friday, November 02, 2007

Is it Really November?

I thought it was about the third week of September! But time does fly when you're extremely busy.
I have officially survived what I deemed at the end of the summer to be my two hell months. September was crazy due to all the rehearsals and costume fittings for my show; and October was nuts due to an annual event I was coordinating. And wouldn't you know it, I got sick the day before the event. But I had to be at work, so I sufferred through last Wednesday and Thursday, the latter being the event day, and the hardest one to get through. I was at work til 10 PM (started at 8 AM). By the end of the night I couldn't talk, couldn't breathe, couldn't hear, and, well, couldn't think. Needless to say, no one was surprised when I called in sick Friday morning. I haven't been sick like that like since my decision to leave PB over a year ago.
Taking Friday off was smart. It gave me the chance to relax, rest, and recover, and by Saturday (even though I still sounded sick) I was feeling 100% better.
I spent Saturday afternoon running around with Colin searching for his Halloween costume. Like Christmas shopping it was left till the 11th hour. He decided to go as the Swedish Chef. Let me tell you, it is nearly impossible to find a white apron, and even more impossible to find a chef's hat. After picking up a couple of things for me at Value Village (my Halloween costumes past have seemed to have disappeared into a black hole), we headed to Lansdowne Mall and had no luck finding anything in either Home Outfitters, Zellers, or Home Sense. As we were leaving the last store, I caught a Ming Wo out of the corner of my eye. Jackpot! We found a white apron, and a chef's hat. The chef's hat had a chili pepper design on it, but I had a tonne of white material at home.
We got home, made a mad dash to get ready, and headed out to our Halloween party on the North Shore. The party began at our friends' apartment, and then we all headed over to the Seymour Pub. I have never partied in North Van before - it was a tonne of fun.

The pub was holding a costume contest, and guess who won? Colin. His prize? A Naslund jersey - perfect for the Swedish Chef.

On Wednesday we went to my brother-in-law's for a potluck dinner and to watch a Halloween movie. I had been told that the crowd at the party couldn't really stomach a true horror movie, and judging by many of the scared reactions to Monster House, I don't think a true horror flick would have gone down well.

Halloween isn't over yet for me. I have one more party this Saturday: a Halloween/housewarming party. Before that Colin and I are attending DPhiE's Bowl-for-Breath, a bowl-a-thon to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. It should be a fun evening.

The next two weeks are short ones: Next Friday is midterm break, and the following Monday Remembrance Day. I plan to attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at WPGA this year. Hope no one thinks I'm on a covert mission ;).