I must have done something that is completely pure evil because my work life and social life are still insanely busy. The school is quiet with the students gone, and the teachers soon going, but things are still very busy in my office. Right now I am playing catch-up with work dating back to November. I have a pile of filing to do (among other things) that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy! The stack is at least 2 feet high! I'm not exaggerating! I also have a lot a pressure to get things done because I am only working 6 days next month, and I prefer to get the ball rolling on some things and not leave everything to August. In fact, I'm not even back at work until August 5th, and I still have 1.5 vacation days left which I need to take by August 31. Is there such a thing as too much vacation???!!!
My social calendar has been jam packed thanks to myself and my closest friends all turning 30. At the same time! May and early June were a bit nuts. My craziest weekend was two weeks ago: I drove up to Whistler with Thalia and Lisa Duff - an old Crofton friend whom we had not seen in twenty years! So I was up at 6:30 am - normal for a week day, but not for a Saturday - met Thalia at her place in North Van at 8:30 and headed to Whistler. By the time I got back down and back to my place it was 6 pm, and Colin and I were heading to a BBQ in PoCo that had started at 5:30 - needless to say, we were fashionably late. And somehow, we didn't make it back home till 4am! I was exhausted. And the next day I had to get up for a baby shower! Last weekend was wonderfully quiet, but that's it, until sometime in August:
This weekend I am going shopping with Mum, and out for Sunday brunch with some friends. Next weekend Colin and I will be in Whistler. The next two weekends after that I will be in Washington DC for DPhiE Convention, then the next two weekends after that I will be on vacation, and will be somewhere in BC, the Yukon, or Alaska.
I'm wondering at which point I will drop dead!
At least I'm enjoying myself :)
Oh, and being 30 - so far, so good.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago