Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well, after a week off for Spring Break it was back to work Monday. To be honest, I have been feeling disoriented this week: I had just got back into work mode, and then came a week holiday. Now, I am not complaining about my week off, but I was just getting into the swing of things, and now I feel like I'm back to square one, and on top of that, I've been super tired this week, so I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.

I finally met my newborn niece - well she's actually nine weeks old now, but is very adorable. And I hadn't seen my nephew since Christmas - I can't believe how much he's changed. He can carry on with a conversation, and was talking a mile a minute last night.

I have found a new addiction: facebook. I keep thinking that it's starting to get old, then I unearth someone (or someone finds me) whom I haven't seen/talked to in ages. And I quite accidentally stumbled across a group for my Polynesian dance group... which is where I am heading now.

Why life is good: Canucks clinched a playoff spot; it hasn't rained in a couple of days; tomorrow is Friday.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Vancouver Canucks

Throughout the season I have written snippets here and there regarding the Canucks, but I haven't offered an overall opinion on this season, and since it's almost over, it's probably about time.

First, my rant: If there is one thing I cannot stand it's a Canucks fan (myself excluded, of course), let me explain. We must be the whinniest, pessimistic, negative bunch of fans in the entire league. Why do I say that? Well, for starters, the Canucks are the winningest team (in the NHL) since Christmas; Bobby Lou set a new Canuck record, and currently holds the most Goalie wins this season; we are currently first in our division, third in the Western Conference, and fifth overall - winning the President's Trophy could actually happen; yet the fans (and the media, who are worse than the fans) complain. For example, Naslund hasn't been scoring. Who really gives a (rhymes with Canuck) if Naslund hasn't been scoring, everyone else has.

At the beginning of the season we Canucks fans were treading into unfamiliar territory, with half the team dispended and new faces in line-up. We hoped, on an outside chance, we would make the playoffs... short of winning the Stanley Cup I don't think we could have asked for a better season. And I still can't believe we actually have an all-star goalie...

So, it's time (dare I say) to dust off the car flags; mine have some rust or something nasty on them - they have been sitting in the trunk of my car since April 2004...

So quit yer whinning and complaning and get ready for some post-season partying...

Say goodbye to the boo-birds and hello to the Lou-birds...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Break

Now this is something I can get used, Spring Break in the working world. However, I am finding it very hard to just kick back and relax today. I feel guilty, like I'm playing hooky. But, that's not the case. The school is closed, and I have a week off, paid.

I have some things I need to do around the house, so I will
try to use my Spring Break to do a Spring Clean. I just picked a copy (book) of How Clean is Your House... I now have Kim and Aggie in my house 24-7, inspiring me to use their tricks for a good, deep clean.

But, I plan to relax too: Sleep in. Watch some daytime TV (not soaps). Go on a much needed, and longed shopping spree.

I didn't really do too much for St. Paddy's Day. Actually, that's not true, I just didn't do a lot of Irish stuff, except wear green (even though the national colour of Ireland is blue, and my in-laws are Orangemen)... March 17th is also Delta Phi Epsilon's Founders' Day.

This year we celebrated 90 years of sisterhood. Every year the Vancouver alumnae association gets together and celebrates with a Founders' Day tea - this year at the
Wedgewood. It was scrumptious.

Later that evening Colin and I went to his parents to watch the
Canucks shellac the Red Wings, and after went over to the cinema at Richmond Centre to see Premonition; all in all it was a pretty good flick.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Today, for the first time in my life, I felt dated, even old. This was all thanks to a coversation about Flavor Flav. Let me explain.

After a good workout at Curves, I made the long trek across the street to my tanning salon... shit, just gave away my secret... anyways, while waiting for a bed I was chatting with the receptionist. She couldn't have been much older than 20. In the background, the salon's tv
was tuned into The Flavor of Love... the receptionist said I could change the channel if I wanted too. I said I didn't really mind one way or the other.

She then asked me wasn't Flavor Flav in some group a long time ago, and what's up with the clock? Bam! It's like time stood still. For the first time I realized the pop culture I grew up with was becoming unfamiliar territory to those younger than me.

Once I was over the split second shock, I explained to her that Flavor Flav was a part of Public Enemy
- again another blank look. And the clock, well that was his thing. Lots of guys, even some girls wore huge, chunky things around their neck backs then. Again, a blank stare.

I don't usually feel old, or mature for that matter, even as I stare down the barrel of the gun to 29. And I live by the age old adage, you are only as old as you feel. But sometimes there are strange reminders out there that you aren't as young as you used to be, no matter how young you look or feel.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Why? Why? Why? Why did I wake up this morning to find Vancouver covered in snow? Haven't we been punished enough already with this relentless winter? It's March, time for Spring.

The only positive thing about today's snowfall: my commute was less than ten minutes - it usually takes twenty. I guess all the UBC students decided to stay home today, leaving SW Marine [mostly] to myself.