Last night Colin and I went to this awesome 80's Party; it was like totally rad. The party was out in White Rock at Tina's boyfriend's (Mark's) house. Even though we didn't know most of the people there, we still had a blast. It's amazing what a little alcohol can do to get you chatting.
And now, after hearing 80's music for hour upon hour last night, the Bangles hit, "Another Manic Monday," is stuck in my head. It has been stuck in my head all day.
I had to go into work today to help out with a barbeque the marketing department was putting on. Despite the rain it went well, but I was at work until 8pm and glad to leave. Nice thing is, because I worked today I won't be going into work tomorrow. So my first five day week, in god knows how long, just became a four day week.
I have no complaints.
So what was so manic about today? Colin locked his keys in the car - twice! He was heading out to help a friend this morning with their new house. I heard my car start up, and saw Colin leaving in my car. This wasn't a big problem, except I had to go into work today and can't drive Colin's car because it is standard, and I haven't learned to drive a standard - yet. By the time I called down on his cell phone he realized he was in my car and got out, but managed to lock the keys inside the car. Ok, the first keys locked in car incident wasn't so bad since all I had to was toss the spare set out the apartment window. The second keys locked in car incident, well that is entirely different...
I had some time to vacuum and generally clean the apartment this morning and sat down around noon to play on the computer. Shortly after twelve I got a call from Colin to say he had locked the keys in the car... again. Because I had to go into work, I quickly jumped in the shower and got ready. I was on my way to Matt and Dana's when I realized I didn't have the keys to Colin's car. Luckily I realized this at 70th & Granville, but I was already rushed, so I wasn't too pleased with myself. I quickly drove home, grabbed ALL the spare keys and made my way, for the second time, over to Matt and Dana's. I gave Colin the keys and hurried to finish getting ready for work.
Now, finally, at 10:00 pm, I am having a less a manic, more relaxing Sunday.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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