This past weekend was spent almost entirely with my girlfriends: it was a Croftie reunion weekend of sorts, even though we do see each other a lot.
I met up with Thalia on Friday evening and started our night at Oakridge. Thalia had to pick up a christening gift for her niece and wanted to see what the Birks at Oakridge had. After that we grabbed some dinner and stopped by Rogers Video on the way back to my place.
I have to tell you, I have never seen the Marpole Rogers Video as busy as it was this particular Friday, and I have been going to that location for almost 5 years now - since Colin moved to Marpole. We lined up for about 10-15 minutes. Usually you only have to wait a few minutes, even on a Friday or Saturday night.
We rented Monster-in-Law. Considering we are both newlyweds we thought it would be an appropriate choice, but I will throw this disclaimer in here - we lucked out in the mother-in-law department. They are far from Jane Fonda's character in the movie. I actually enjoyed the movie. It was silly, but quite funny; and I don't mind Jennifer Lopez as an actress. Can't stand her as a singer though.
After the movie we looked at my photos. So far I have about 800 in the computer; haven't seen all the print ones yet, either. Needless to say I have yet to tackle organizing the wedding photos.
Colin and I spend time together most Saturday nights, but this Saturday he and Andrew were heading out to Travis' stag, so Lisa and I hooked up while our husbands were out partying.
We started the evening at Kisha Poppo for a sushi dinner and the headed over to Silver City - Riverport to catch Just Like Heaven. We both love all types of movies, but saw this evening as a good opportunity to catch a "chick flick." I really enjoyed the movie: it was cute and humourous. We didn't have any solid plans for after the movie so we decided to head out to White Rock to drop in on Mark's birthday party. It was a pretty quiet affair, just the usual guys hanging around the house.
We showed up at the right time. The guys were about to head out to Langley to go to the casino, but Tina didn't feel like going, so the three of us went to Starbucks. I had no idea how late Starbucks in Surrey are open. We were there till just before 1am.
We had a great time chit-chatting, gossiping and planning a Halloween party. I am very excited about the party, since Halloween is my favourite time of year, yet I never seem to have a Halloween party to go to. Now I have to come up with a good costume. I will only have a couple of weeks to put it together when I return from Hawaii, so I guess I will have to use my two weeks of lying on Waikiki Beach to come up with a killer idea for a Halloween costume.
On Sunday evening I met Thalia and Lisa at Benny's on Broadway for coffee. Tina couldn't make it out - mouse problems... It was a fun evening. I saw Jovo there with a friend. We said a brief hello and goodbye.
Only 8 days till I leave for Hawaii...
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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