You know it had to happen sooner or later... no, not the election. Me, writing a blog entry about it.
Of all the times of year to hold an election, what a stupid time. Christmas! It's not like we have anything going on in our lives. Way to go Harper! You couldn't wait till the new year... nope, you couldn't.
I, like many Canadians, have decided to ignore the election for now. I will begin paying attention January 3rd, after the Christmas holidays, when I go back to work, when the election should have been called.
Christmas, as fun as it is, is also a very insane time of year and the last thing Canadians need right now is to turn their already frazzled minds to four, crazy politicians.
Maybe I'm lucky. I know a lot about Canadian politics, at least that's what my university transcript says. I know what the parties stand for, and 20 days should be suffice enough for me to rummage through their election promises to figure out who best run this country.
Actually, I already know how I'm voting - Liberal. Many of you will agree with this choice, while many of you may think I'm insane. How can I support a party that is so corrupt.
Law of deduction...
I wouldn't vote for a party whose sole purpose is to break up this great nation. Besides, I don't live in Quebec, so I can't vote for the Bloc anyways.
I live in BC. I won't vote NDP.
That leaves the Greens, the Conservatives and the Liberals.
I don't really have a concrete reason for not voting for the Greens, I guess I am just too mainstream, and can't look outside/am not ready to look outside the box.
I would vote Conservative if Mackay were in charge, and the party had a more PC flavour. Progressive Conservative that is. I used to vote PC. Then came the wolf in sheep's clothing. The uniting of the right: a blend of Alliance and Progressive Conservative. Hmmmm.... What ever happened to the PC component of that equation. As long as crazy people from Alberta like Harper (and his predecessor, Day) are in charge of that party, forget it.
Leave abortion alone. Leave gay marriage alone. Last time I checked Canada was a progressive nation, always moving forward. Oh, that's right, I forgot, the Progressive was dropped from the Conservatives.
Which, by logical deduction, leaves the Liberal party.
Every time one of the four Prime ministerial hopefuls show up on TV (most often the news), I change the channel. From now, until January 3rd, the only election coverage I'm watching is on Air Farce, the Rick Mercer Report and This Hour Has 22 Minutes.
You can learn a lot about the current campaign from these shows: for instance, I learned from the Rick Mercer report today that Harper's 5% GST won't kick in till 2011. Do the math on that one: even if a majority is elected January 23, and stays in term for the full five years, which never ever happens, an election will have to be called before the GST reduction comes into effect.
There's something to chew on.
Merry Elexmas.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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