This post may jinx the outcome of tomorrow night's game, but the Canucks better beat Buffalo, goddamit. I am so adamant about this because I am going to the game tomorrow night. It is my first live Canucks game since Calgary beat us in Game 7, Round 1 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs in 2004, and will probably be the only game I go to this year, unless I go to a playoff game again.
In other news... I don't know what the heck to do about this impending election. I thought I had it all figured out, but the last couple of weeks in Canadian politics have been inane. In the last 48 hours I have changed my mind from voting Liberal to Conservative to Green, back to Liberal, back to Green. Damn, we should chuck the lot of them out and start from scratch.
I might have an easier time voting Liberal if it weren't for the continuous scandals and the fact that my Liberal candidate is Ujjal Dosanj. Oh why did Elections Canada have to redraw the boundaries of Van Quadra and Van South? - I could at least stomach voting for Stephen Owen. I did in the last election.
It wouldn't be beyond me and what I stand for to vote Conservative, but Stephen Harper is just such a freaking weirdo, and I don't allign with his morals or values.
I won't vote NDP, I just don't know about Green, and the only other party in my riding is the Canadian Christian Party or whatever it's called - so you can just forget that.
I want to vote Conservative, but I sure as hell don't be responsible for putting Harper in charge of this country.
I've got 5 days to figure things out, and the politicians sure aren't helping any. I haven't learned anything from the debates or the adds other than that one party is worse than the other and that the party leaders are all a bunch of fools.
So on Monday this ship of fools sets sail.
Oh by the way I predict a Stanley Cup Final between Vancouver and Buffalo - here's the method to my madness: Vancouver vs. Islanders in 1982; Vancouver vs. Rangers in 1994; therefore Vancouver vs. Buffalo in 2006. However, should my theory be right, that would also mean Vancouver would loose another Stanley Cup... and it's about freakin' time we won one.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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