Where has March gone? I can't believe the month is almost over, and Spring starts next week, although you wouldn't believe it. I think someone in Vancouver has done something severely wrong and has royally pissed off the weather gods. First, there was that insane amount of rain in January. And now? It's cold, too cold for this time of year.
If March has to have a theme, I would refer to it as the reunion month. I started my first weekend of March with the first of two (or more) 10 year reunions. Every year, on the first Friday of March, Crofton hosts a school birthday and alumnae luncheon/reunion. You can attend any year, but is traditional to return during a big reunion year. There were only two of us from 1996, and only three of us who graded between 1990-2005. So Jen and I didn't have a chance to reconnect with classmates, but we did get to chat with some of our teachers, including our Grade 1 teacher!
I also found out that the Kappa representative on VAPA also attended Crofton (she graded in '70).
The next day Colin and I headed to Port Coquitlam for Devon's birthday dinner. This could be classified as a reunion since we hadn't seen Devon since our wedding (7 months ago) and it had been ever longer since we saw Devon's husband Steve (I believe he was in Vietnam on our wedding day). After dinner the group headed to Boulevard Casino. This was only my second time in a casino, but found this one far more impressive than Edgewater Casino. I didn't feel like staying too long though as it reminded me too much of work. I may work in the Bingo division, but all the BCLC messaging is the same...
On the following Tuesday I had dinner with a classmate from BCIT. We became good friends during our two year marketing program, but lost touch after graduation. So after almost two years we reconnected and spent five hours at the Milestones in Kits catching up.
The following weekend Colin and I enjoyed a night out at the Blarney Stone. It is the only club I enjoy going to anymore, and usually go 2 or 3 times a year - when the mood strikes me. We got there around 8:30 PM (which is not early for the Blarney), but wanted to leave to go watch the end of the hockey game. Turns out you can now watch hockey at the Blarney Stone on their new, projection screen TV.
Then I got sick (but not from the drinking last Saturday). I got this horrible cold that is going around. It is not your usual cold however. Yes, you get congested and a soar throat, but this thing sucks the energy out of you. Despite living a very active life and getting plenty of sleep, I spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday absolutely exhausted. Wednesday morning I woke up and could barely get out of bed - so I have missed the last two days of work. I am back at work today. I still don't feel %100, but I feel a lot better than 2 days ago.
And here we are - it's Saint Patrick's day and I'm wearing my green sweater and I can't wait for the work day to end and the weekend to begin.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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