Ok, so I’m a week late writing this as the thaw has begun, but you can’t really be a blogger/writer in Vancouver and not write about the insane weather of November, especially this past week.
November 2006 will definitely go down as the wackiest weather month ever in the history of Vancouver. I would like to see something crazier than what we have just been through (actually I wouldn’t, because that could spell real trouble). It was the wettest November on record; tonnes of flooding; a boil water advisory that lasted nearly two weeks; and then came the snow. A few feet dumped on Vancouver alone; daytime highs of minus 5, with a wind chill factor of minus ten; and the snow wouldn’t melt; hell there’s still snow outside… But I’m glad it’s beginning to disappear. After busing all last week, I am happy to be behind the wheel of my car again.
For the most part busing wasn’t too bad, just the Wednesday commute home – it took me 90 minutes; it took an hour to get from Main Street to Oak Street. I could have walked it in 20 minutes, but when you’re waiting for the bus for so long, by the time you think about walking, you don’t, because, according to Murphy’s Law, the bus will arrive.
I bused to work on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday last week. I was home sick on Tuesday (most likely caused by waiting for buses in –10 degree weather), and had my flex on Friday. I finally dug my car out of two feet of snow on Thursday evening, so I could drive to my final Polynesian dance class of the year. The roads weren’t bad at all, but parking was a different story. The roads were completely clear, but that snow has to go somewhere right? I had fun trying to parallel park in a two-foot snowdrift. I was successful, and didn’t get stuck.
Friday was a hectic, but fun day: woke up; applied for a couple of jobs; looked at the clock and realized I was meeting Chantal in an hour, so I quickly had a shower, got ready and booked it to Oakridge. We had lunch at the Whitespot and then wandered around the mall. Afterwards we returned to my apartment and rented John Tucker Must Die. It’s one of those movies you have to rent/see with your girlfriends, cause god knows your husband isn’t going to watch it with you.
Shortly after Chantal left I headed over to North Vancouver to spend the evening with Thalia and Todd. We ordered in pizza for dinner and rented Syriana – extremely good movie.
On Saturday Colin and I went over to my parents’ to pick up our Christmas decos and drop the bomb that I was resigning from Planet Bingo. Actually it wasn’t so much of a bomb, as my wanting to resign from Planet Bingo is nothing new.
We were invited to stay for dinner, and watch the hockey game – Vancouver won!
We erected the Christmas tree Saturday night – so far the cats haven’t pulled it down, but Tiki was showing real interest in the ornaments this morning.
Yesterday I had my first skate of the season – Colin and I met Tina, Warren, Mark, Greg, Stephanie, Bjorn and Vivian at Kerrisdale Arena for an afternoon skate.
After skating I returned to North Van for my monthly book club meeting. We were supposed to discuss Portraits in Sepia by Isabel Allende, but instead ending up watching John Tucker Must Die.
What are the odds?
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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