Throughout the season I have written snippets here and there regarding the Canucks, but I haven't offered an overall opinion on this season, and since it's almost over, it's probably about time.
First, my rant: If there is one thing I cannot stand it's a Canucks fan (myself excluded, of course), let me explain. We must be the whinniest, pessimistic, negative bunch of fans in the entire league. Why do I say that? Well, for starters, the Canucks are the winningest team (in the NHL) since Christmas; Bobby Lou set a new Canuck record, and currently holds the most Goalie wins this season; we are currently first in our division, third in the Western Conference, and fifth overall - winning the President's Trophy could actually happen; yet the fans (and the media, who are worse than the fans) complain. For example, Naslund hasn't been scoring. Who really gives a (rhymes with Canuck) if Naslund hasn't been scoring, everyone else has.
At the beginning of the season we Canucks fans were treading into unfamiliar territory, with half the team dispended and new faces in line-up. We hoped, on an outside chance, we would make the playoffs... short of winning the Stanley Cup I don't think we could have asked for a better season. And I still can't believe we actually have an all-star goalie...
So, it's time (dare I say) to dust off the car flags; mine have some rust or something nasty on them - they have been sitting in the trunk of my car since April 2004...
So quit yer whinning and complaning and get ready for some post-season partying...
Say goodbye to the boo-birds and hello to the Lou-birds...
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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