I can't really tell you why I neglected my blog for so long - I haven't become a recluse or anything like that. Quite the opposite in fact. I don't no where November and December went. It's hard to believe Christmas 2007 is over and done with. Actually, it's hard to believe that 2007 - period - is over and done with.
So here we are - 2008. This is one of those years that always seemed oddly futuristic to me, mostly because I turn 30 this year. I'm not scared or upset about it, I just can't believe I'm already at this point in my life. I don't feel like 30, and apparently don't look it either (I was mistaken for 20 recently). But what exactly is a 30-year old supposed to feel like and look like? I believe it's all up to the individual and their state of mind. I have friends who are already mentally pushing 45, while others are still in high school. Me? I put myself somewhere in my mid-20's. Still have lots of energy, always up for a good social outing, but beginning to realize that I may not be invincible.
Besides turning 30, 2008 is looking like it will be a fun and interesting year: Two friends are having babies (one is adopting); I will be an aunt for the 4th time (but the first blood relative, on Colin's side); I am heading off on a retreat the first weekend of April with a couple of very good friends; and the second weekend of April I will be partying in Vegas with my sorority sisters! After a wedding-free year, I am back on that bandwagon, with one in May. I am crossing my fingers that I can get a convention grant and attend DPhiE convention in Washington DC. For summer vacation this year, we've talked about going to the UK (a long overdue trip for the both of us), or maybe over to Tofino to learn how to surf (my next foray into Polynesian culture). And that's just the stuff I know about... hopefully 2008 will be great.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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