I couldn't think of a catchy title for my post. Then I saw that this will be post 200. I think that may be a little low for 3.5 years of blogging, but I have noticed as of late, I seem to be more and more sporadic about it.
I am officially on vacation as of 4 PM tomorrow; however I think my mind is already on left. After a four day weekend, filled with glorious summer weather, and a pending vacation, I'm finding it a bit hard to concentrate.
I spent part of my long weekend in Whistler, enjoying the mid-30 degree temperature, and being able to spend time by the lake sunbathing and reading. Two of my favourite things. I finally have some decent colour, and no longer look like I have been living underground. It's a bit cloudy today, but at least it's warm.
I didn't get much done on Monday as I was suffering from heat exhaustion. I've been able to handle hot, hot temperatures my whole life, so I will blame it on:
a) going from Winter to the dead of summer in days
b) adjusting to life at 30, i.e. the bizarre aches and pains that seem come with it
So, I lost a day of tidying up and packing for Convention. Tuesday I wanted to celebrate Canada Day by attending Salmon Fest, but by the time I arrived in Steveston there was absolutely no parking anywhere. I drove around for 30 minutes in the heat, wasting gas I just paid $1.50 a litre for, so I headed home, and did what I do best: sunbathing and reading.
Later in the afternoon Colin and I went to MEC in search of hiking boots for our trip. Colin pointed out that he was shoe shopping with me - perhaps Hell had frozen over. I can't say that shopping for hiking boots is quite the same as shopping for cute, strappy heels. But shoe shopping, is shoe shopping.
Last night Colin and I went to see Corteo (my birthday present). Neither of us have ever been to Cirque de Soleil before, so we weren't sure what to expect - it was amazing. I can't fathom what some people can do with their bodies. It was something else, and a lot of fun.
Afterwards we popped into Women's on our way home and met our new nephew. No Name Blackstock - at least that's what I'm calling him until he has a name. Despite the fact he has yet to be named, he is very sweet. I think Colin was in a daze over the fact that his baby brother has a baby.
It's been an exciting week, so you can perhaps understand why I have left for vacation, even though I'm still here.
And it's already Thursday...
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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