Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ahhh Lint Remover...

...good, ole lint remover. A roll of sticky paper perfect for removing cat hair from clothing, furniture and just about anything else. But can there be anything else wonderful about the stuff? According to Wellington (the cat), yes!

It makes a wonderful cat toy. I'm not sure what's in the stuff, but it's something that Wellington loves, (and that Tiki could care less about).

Whenever I a discard a used piece, I will find it later outside of the garbage can. So I take it away from Welly, hide it deeper in the garbage, yet it somehow makes it way back out again.

Yes Wellington has a thing for lint remover... and cutips. Used, waxy, yellow cutips, which I find discarded all over our apartment.

I love animals, don't you?

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