I am still recovering from my cold, but I do feel better than I did a few days ago. I went to work on Friday, but only for a couple of hours, and was home by 10:00 am. It was all my body could muster - just a couple of hours to check phone and email messages and do a few administrative things.
Saturday was the first day I felt like eating, and therefore actually had some energy. We had some errands to run, which in the end were tiring, but it felt good to get out of the house, and get some fresh air and movement.
I returned some library books, and picked up my newest book club selection: The Stupidest Angel by Terry Moore. It's hilarious. I recommend it, especially if you are in need of a good laugh. Next we went to the vets for the cats' annual check-up, and to make sure Wellington's "pipes" are still problem free. It's always an adventure taking the cats to to the vets. Welly was pretty freaked the whole time, while Tiki was fairly calm. That is until we tried to leave. Colin went to pay, leaving me in charge of putting Tiki back in the carrying case. Well that was interesting. Tiki did not want to go back in the carrying case. She made this known by talking her claws and grabbing both sides of my head, and scratching me. Since she has never done anything like this before, I was caught off guard, and resounding "Fuck, Tiki" was heard throughout the vets. At this point Colin came in to see what was up. He had better luck putting her back in her carrying case.
After that fun adventure we took the cats home and went grocery shopping. We had a big shop to do - the cupboards and fridge were bare - so we went to the Superstore. God I hate that place, especially on a Saturday before something like Thanksgiving. The parking lot was packed to the gills - always a bad sign. But it wasn't to torturous inside. If it weren't for the amazing deals we'd avoid it all together, but the money you save makes the torture somewhat worth it. After that we went to Kins to purchase our produce. We only buy our produce here now, unless we have a couple of items we need to pick up quickly. You can buy a tonne of stuff for very little; it tastes better, and a lot of the inventory is locally grown.
We stayed in Saturday evening and enjoyed a home cooked meal and another good showing by the Canucks. After the game we walked to the video store and rented Promotion. It was a good laugh, but not the best comedy ever.
Yesterday I went to my dance class, and began working on new dances. This was the first exercise I've had in a week, and since being sick. I felt okay during class, but felt very tired by the time I got home. I had a quiet afternoon and evening. Around 9:00 pm last night I had the urge to return to my de-cluttering and reorganizing. A made a good dent, but there is still a ways to go in the den. But once that room is done, the worst is over.
Happy Turkey Day!
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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