Saturday, November 07, 2009


I woke up Monday morning with a nasty sore throat. I decided the best course of action was to stay home, get better and not pass it on. And it's a damn good thing I did. Later that morning I started feeling feverish and every muscle and joint in my body ached. A cough, sore throat, fever, body aches - all symptoms of H1N1.

I felt ever worse Tuesday, but by the evening I was starting to feel a lot better; and starting to get antsy from being stuck at home. Not knowing what I had I thought staying home Wednesday would be smart. And in order to go back to work I needed an all-clear from my doctor. I went to see him Thursday, positive I would be able to return to work Friday, and break my house arrest. No dice.

My doctor cannot confirm if I had H1N1 because I didn't have severe enough symptoms to be tested. But I had all the classic swine flu symptoms: I'm the right age, right sex, and it is the prevalent strain of flu floating around right now. So I needed to be treated like I had H1N1. Which meant another day at home, going totally batty since I have not ventured out, seen anyone, exercised, or been to work for an entire week. And for an ENFJ/Gemini that's hell on earth.

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