Thursday, April 21, 2005

Have I Kept You in Suspense???...

Have you been dying to know how this past weekend and the final stagette turned out? Well, I am happy to say, no drama here. I think I was dreading it so much that everything went well. The maid of honour actually got some fun things for the stagette (like she originally said she would): the bridal party wore leis, and the bride wore a veil. In general, it was good times all around at the Blarney Stone.

And I have to say, I looked pretty good. I had been to the hairdressers earlier that day and had a hair cut (first one since November) and had my highlights touched up. But for once, in my photos, my face wasn't shiny - I actually nailed the night time look - I will have to post those when I get the damn hello! thing working.

I had a bit of a fright on Sunday evening. I was sitting at home, channel surfing when a news story on CNN caught me off guard. A cruise ship in the Carribbean had been struck by a giant, freak wave - the cruise line? NCL. The one my parents were on at that moment in time, in the Carribbean. The newscast wasn't broadcasting much info, so I checked out to find out the name of the ship - it wasn't my parents - thank god! A couple of days later I got an email from mum, saying that as we probably gathered by now, it wasn't their ship - gee... But they are having a good time, enjoying the food and hot weather! Not that it isn't hot here...

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