Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Canada Day!

Happy 138th Birthday Canada!

As usual I had a fun Canada Day! Last year I was in San Antonio - yes, that's right, I celebrated Canada Day Texas style - actually, it was a lot of fun. This year, however, I stayed close to home.

Colin and I spent the afternoon at the 60th Annual Steveston Salmon Festival. It was a huge, fun Canada Day celebration. I have to say Steveston is a well kept secret of great Canadian patriotism. As we drove down Moncton Street (and other streets in Steveston), we noticed that most of the homes were all decorated with Red, White and the Maple Leaf. Moncton Street was one, giant Canadian block party. I am sure you see scenes like that throughout the country, but it is not so common in Vancouver, so it was a very welcome site. I felt like we had uncovered some wonderful secret.

We returned home after a somewhat overcast, and chilly (but enjoyable) time in Steveston and turned our attention to the wedding... Can you believe that six weeks from tonight I will be a married woman? I can't. In fact, it really hasn't hit me yet that I am getting married... I will probably have that epiphany after a few months of marriage.

I guess it hasn't sunk in that I am getting married, because, in a way, I already am. Colin and I are veterans: what the heck does that mean? It means we have been together for seven years (living together for 2 of those years) and already feel like a married couple. I am looking forward to getting married - it means our lives returning to some sort of normalcy. This whole engagement period has been like an interruption to the regularly scheduled program. A welcome interruption, but an interruption nonetheless.

But we are into the wedding festivities now. I had my first of two showers last weekend, which was a lot fun. Colin is going away for his stag next weekend, and I have my second shower two weeks from now. And then the family arrives from the UK; and then we get married; and then we get away to Whistler for a few days and start our lives as husband and wife and then it's off to Hawaii in October for a honeymoon...

Now back to Canada Day, and my four day weekend. Four day weekend? How did I score a four day weekend (considering I am not American)? I am sure from reading past blogs you have heard about my flex fridays - well today happens to be my flex Friday, but it also happens to be Canada's birthday, so everyone has a day off. Doesn't seem fair that those whose flex friday isn't today should have 3 long weekends in a row - so in order to compensate for that, I get to take an extra day this weekend. So I am not going into work on Monday.

I also luck out and have a four day weekend for BC Day - this year BC Day falls on Monday, August 1st (which also happens to be our 7 year anniversary); the previous friday is my flex day - the same thing happens for the Thanksgiving long weekend; however I will be in Hawaii, so it won't really matter - it just means extra vacation days... my life is rough, isn't? You want to smack me right now don't you :p.

Things are good right now.

Fun Canadian Fact: Pamela Anderson is a Centennial Baby - she was born July 1st, 1967.

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