Friday, June 03, 2005

Time to Breathe

Wow! What an insane week it has been. I started my new job on Monday: once I get used to it I think I am going to have a lot of fun. I decided to take the flex hours, so I have every other Friday off (starting with today) by working an extra half hour a day. A pretty sweet deal. Working till 5:30, however, is tough. I am hoping I will be able to come in at 8:30 and leave at 5:00pm, but we shall see.

On top of starting a new job, I think this has been one of my busiest weeks since I left BCIT. Because I work till 5:30 I don't get home till 6pm. On Monday I had a VAPA (Vancouver Alumnae Panhellenic Association) meeting at UBC at 7:30pm. Tuesday I went to Curves and then out for a Sushi dinner with Colin and his dad. Wednesday Colin and I went over to my parents' house to celebrate my birthday. Yesterday I went to Curves then Colin took me out for a wonderful birthday dinner at the Boathouse. Originally, he had planned on taking me to Dem Bones, which we were both looking forward to since we haven't had ribs in a long time. But it was closed for renos. What's up with us going to restaurants that are closed? Before we went to dinner, we went to Richmond Centre to pick up a christening gift for Mylene and Colin looked at some gifts that he could give as attendants gifts. After dinner we returned to Richmond Centre and saw Madagascar - very cute and funny.

Like I said, I had today off (and so did Colin) so we had a lazy morning in bed, then headed over to West Van to have lunch with my Grandparents and go to Park Royal. We went to the Bay to buy a wedding present for Thalia and Todd. I hate the Bay!!! You can never find a damn thing. So why did we register there too? Probably to repay the hell our friends have put us through over the years trying to find a gift... The Bay is good when you are the one putting the registry together, but good luck trying to find anything.

Colin was taking his time at HMV (and bought 5 CDs), and realized I hadn't returned from the Bay yet; so he came to find me all pissed off and flustered. I had gone in knowing exactly what to get them, but they didn't have it (and neither did the Bay in Richmond). So I bought something entirely different and wasted an hour at the Bay.

So at this point, I haven't really sat down in 5 days...

In order to keep up going to Curves three times a week (which I have been doing since I joined in February), I went after we arrived home. After that I walked up to the library to pick up some travel books I had reserved. Then I decided to go for and eyebrow wax, and then decided to go to my tanning salon.

When I got home I put away the laundry, did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and vacuumed the whole apartment.

Then I made dinner.

And then I sat down... for the first time since Sunday...

And now here I am, writing this Blog entry

I am sure things will get a little less crazy as I get used to my new schedule. I am a little concerned, as we head into the last two months before the wedding, that I might go crazy though. My next flex Friday I will be working at the Dragon Boat Festival, and will be working the Saturday and Sunday as well. And next weekend I am up at Whistler.

Life is busy, but it is good.

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