Friday, May 27, 2005

Ending and Beginnings

I have to start off by saying wow is it ever hot outside today. This comment has nothing to do with the rest of the impending post, but I just thought I'd share with everyone how happy I am about this weather; dare I say maybe it's a bit too hot... Ah, who cares... I love the heat, but I am one of those people who has a very high tolerance for heat (and a very low tolerance for the cold...).

Summer weather aside, today is my last day at WPGA, or is it? No matter how many times I leave this place I seem to end up back here. I just hope the next time I end up back here it will be in the advancement office putting my marketing skills to good use.

But, for now, this is the end of my employment at WPGA and I am looking forward to starting my new job on Monday. It is more than starting a new job, however, it is the start of my career. The more I think about the things I am going to be doing and accomplishing, the more excited I get. I am looking forward to moving forward, moving up, putting my marketing skills and ideas to work... Can you tell I'm excited?

In other news... I had the best tropical drink last night. Colin and I were trying to figure out where to go for dinner. Both of us wanted to be outdoors and enjoy the warm evening, but English Bay and the North Shore weren't really an option. So we headed into Richmond to go to Doc Marlins... turns out it has been shut down for two years. We ended up going for Korean BBQ, but were indoors.

After dinner we decided to go for coffee, but it was getting quite late. We then decided to drive into Steveston, however on the way there, as we were driving over the 3 Road bridge, I yelled out, mid conversation, the Elephant's Arsehole... This is my mum's lovely name for the Elephant and Castle... We sat out on the deck and ordered drinks. Like I said, I had this amazing tropical conconction: Pina Colada, Banana, Orange, Mango and coconut rum - a Tropicalada - God, it was tasty :).

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