Wednesday, May 18, 2005

BC Elections Commentary

The Liberals won another majority - yeah! The NDP gained back a tonne of seats; I didn't think they would get more than 20, but it should be a good balance - The Liberals still in power with a majority should ensure a strong economy, but with so many NDP seats that should make the Liberals accountable for putting money back into areas and programs, such as Health and Education.

And that's my commentary - ok, so not much of a commentary, especially for someone with a minor in Canadian Political Science, but in my defense, I never took the BC Government course, wished I had though...

And now on to the Federal Commentary...

I would be much happier with Stronach's decisions to cross the floor if she didn't pick up a portfolio along the way...

But I concur - Stephen Harper is a nut job... The Liberals are looking crooked, but I sure as hell don't want Harper running this country...

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