Wow, it has been a long time since I wrote my last blog entry. But that is my life lately - busy, busy, busy. For the last three weeks I have woken up Monday morning, and then, before I know it, it's already Friday afternoon. Apart from quickly checking emails and Facebook, I haven't spent much time on the computer at all. In fact, I think this is the first time in a couple of weeks that I've actually spent any time on it.
Last week was interesting - in the same day I found out that I owe the government money (first time ever), but Colin got a whopping refund, so it isn't that bad; and I got summoned for jury duty.
I was at a job for two years that I despised, and would have given anything to miss a day of work. Now that I'm at a job I absolutely love, I get summoned. The worst thing about this summons is the timing - it is the day before a major event in which I am one of the main planners. And anyone who has ever planned an event knows the day before the event is just as crazy and important as the actual event day. I don't have too many options though: I talked to the Sheriff and he told me to write a mushy, heartfelt letter as to why missing work on those days would affect me. Now I have to wait and see and hope my letter moves them enough that I get out of jury duty.
Tuesday was a much better day: I went to my first (and sadly last) Canucks game this season. I had a blast, even though we gave up a 2-0 lead. So frustrating. We were sitting beside a couple from Medicine Hat, who were extremely good friends of the Lindens. After talking with them though, we both got the feeling that they actually were the Lindens...
I didn't watch the game on Thursday: I figured if they won our Saturday night would be planned; and if they didn't win I wanted Tuesday night to be my last memory of the season. Plus I had my dance class that night, and I only have 8 weeks left till we break for summer, and have a show the first weekend of October, so I need all the practice I can get. I'm glad I went. Everyone was in a giggly mood, and we worked on our Tahitian dance, so I got an extremely good workout.
On Friday evening I went out for coffee with Lisa, Andrew, Darcy, Tina, Jen Wong, and Warren. And last night Colin did our usual movie and sushi night. We saw Spiderman 3. It was pretty good, but maybe too many villains for one movie. I thought Thomas Haden Church was awesome as the Sandman. But I've always been a fan of his, back to his days on Wings.
This morning I went out for brunch with family visiting from England. And tonight I'm off to Book Club.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
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