Monday, April 25, 2005

A Matter of Taste

I have a new addition to my bathroom - no I did not get lucky and finally get a vanity or a sink that is any other colour than pink. I now have a second shower curtain.

There has always been one leak in our bathroom that has persisted for years: For those who know my apartment, you know that the bathroom window is in the shower. Everytime we have a shower, whether the window is opened or closed, water runs down the outside of the apartment building, causing some small water damage.

When our bathroom was being repaired after the pipe burst, our landlord wanted the window looked at to see if anything could be done about the leak. The plumbers applied a water seal, but the landlord also wanted to put a curtain over the window for double protection from our shower water.

I assumed it would be just that, a small curtain across the window. Oh how wrong I was. I came home from work last week to find this hideous, translucent, plastic shower curtain that not only covers the window, but the whole back wall of the shower.

I love taking showers, I find it very relaxing and rejuevinating. This is no longer the case. I feel like I am trapped in a room where both walls are moving towards me to squish me (a la Scoobey Doo or Indiana Jones). My showers should not be a claustrophobic experience.

My landlord asked me the other day how I found the new shower curtain. I wanted to say it's horrible and ugly and completely ruins my showering experience. But I didn't. I just gave the old smile and nod and said it was great. She then proceeded to go on about how wonderful it is, and its nice isn't it?

I suppose if you like pink bathroom porcelin, you will also like fugly, transperent shower curtains. I guess it's just a matter of taste.

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