Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Murphy's Law

If there was ever a case of Murphy's Law, this was it. Like I have said, the plumbers never showed up on Tuesday, nor did they come Wednesday, Thursday, and so on.

Our landlord called us late Sunday morning to tell us that the drywallers were coming at three to patch up our wall. You have got to be kidding me. The plumbers and the drywallers don't come by all week, and the one day they do decide to come by is the worst possible day. Why? Because I was hosting a wedding shower (another story) at 3pm. I had a few choice words for Murphy's Law at this moment.

Colin explained to our landlord that any other day would work, but not today. She understood completely and rescheduled them for Monday at 5pm. So, did they show up yesterday? No. Of course they didn't. And to top things off, I am no longer getting a nice, bone coloured sink with a vanity. GRRR! My landlord found an extra pink sink in our building for our apartment.

Now it's not so much the colour of the sink; I can tolerate the pink. But I was so looking forward to having a vanity. I guess I will carry on using the top of the toilet as bathroom counterspace.

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