Wow. As of today there are only four weeks until the wedding. There's a scary thought. I am really looking forward to the day, and all the planning coming to an end.
Now, I love to plan things, but when I hit the five week mark (last Friday) the wedding all of a sudden consumed me. All the big planning is done, but there are so many, tiny, nit picky things left to do, and it seems to be interfering with my sanity (or with what's left of it).
The biggest thing is trying to coordinate all these details with the Yacht Club. This shouldn't be a challenge, but it is because the catering coordinator is useless. I am very surprised I have yet to go on a rant about her.
I have discovered the secret to get her respond to my emails: Re-send the original email, but this time tag it as urgent, write "please respond" in the subject, and close with "a quick response is much appreciated." I shouldn't have to do that - in fact, I hate doing it, but this woman is a flake, to say the least. And to top things off, I can't book a rehearsal date until closer to the wedding (keep in note, I have already organized a date for the rehearsal dinner...). Closer to the wedding? How much closer do you want to get? My schedule and Colin's schedule will be open that week, but we have to let our wedding party know. We hardly expect them to drop everything for us, and I would like to do a run through with the JP present.
My other big issue, which got resolved today, is limos. The second you say the word wedding you can't book less than two consecutive hours. WTF??? All I want it a limo to take me from my house to the Yacht Club, not a far distance. Luckily, Colin found a limo company today that let us book them for one hour to get to the Yacht club. The only catch is that we are getting married on a Friday. If we were getting married on a Saturday that would be an entirely different story - the minimum booking time is four hours. It does not take four, fucking hours to get from Crown and 41st to Point Grey and Dunbar. Hell, it won't take Colin and his crew 4 hours to get from 4 Road and Westminster. Damn, I could go to Whistler and back in that time.
But, enough of that rant. I now have a limo for one hour, and it is one of those SUV ones, so that will be fun.
"Hello, hello, I'm at a place called Vertigo, it's everything I wish I didn't know..."
How fitting is that lyric right now. If wondering where that came from, I am currently listening to Vertigo...
"Just give me what I want, and no one get's hurt..." Yes, sadly, the bridezilla in me is starting to emerge...
But despite the stress and frustration I am feeling, am I also very estatic and excited; because with all the annoying little details, comes the fun: the family, the parties and so on...
I am surprised though I made it this far before having a nervous breakdown...
Next time I blog I will have either made a full recovery or will be strung up in a straight jacket... depends on what gets accomplised this weekend... For my sake and everyone else's let's hope it's the former.
2025 Book Club Notes
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
straight jacket, straight jacket, straight jacket...
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