Saturday, July 09, 2005

London Calling

Colin had woken up before me on Thursday morning and was in the living room watching CTV News Net, per his morning ritual. The noise from the TV wasn't really disturbing me, but then I heard it - bombs had gone off in the London underground, crippling the city. This did not sound like the usual IRA attack - I flew out of bed in panic. In some ways it felt like 9/11 all over again. I was half asleep hearing this surreal news.

Of course the London bombings have nothing on what happened in New York, but the majority of my family live and work in London. I stood watching the news, having no idea if they were ok, if anyone had been killed or injured. It was a horrible feeling.

Colin was a lot more calm than me (as usual), but he also has family that live and work in London, so he was a bit concerned as well. But good news: we have talked to our relatives and everyone is ok.

On now on to some lighter news:

The Lord taketh away, then the Lord giveth back, and then Lord said "psych", and taketh away again, and then the Lord says, "no, just kidding, I'm serious this time", and giveth back: what the hell I am talking about... I have not suddenly found religion, just talking about my weekend:

This week is the Sea Vancouver Festival, and like many of the other summer events, Planet Bingo has set up a booth. Originally it looked like I may have had to work today (Saturday), and then we found someone to cover the two of us that make up the marketing department, so I was happy. Then that fell through, so I was pissed off and grumpy. But then we found someone else, so I have a full weekend again.

In the grand scheme of things this is nothing, but I do enjoy my full weekends (even though I just had 4 day weekend last weekend and have a 3 day one the next weekend). But I have not done, so far, what I plan to do this weekend: clean up the mess that is my apartment. Sanitarily speaking, it is clean, but when it comes to clutter, well, it looks like a disaster zone. So the plan this weekend is to finally tackle all the crap lying around the apartment so I can see surfaces again.

I have started that? No. Today I got up, went out shopping with my mum and grandma, and now I am writing this blog entry. When I am done here, I am going over to my parents to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening there.

Colin is up in Sechelt this weekend for his stag, and my dad is there too. Andrew is not, because he broke down and decided to do some racing this summer, so he is on the Island for a regatta. I thought it would be fun to do a girls' night, but everyone is busy tonight, so I am going to spend it with my mum and grandparents. Not your typical Saturday night, but I'm not really complaining. There will be so much going on in the next few weeks, having a quiet night tonight won't be such a bad thing.

I calculated in about mid May what free weekends I would have between then and the wedding... I think last week was the first one (since that weekend in May), and this one and next one are low key, and then that's it...

In other news: I finally figured out iTunes and how to upload my music off my discs. I was quite happy with this revelation last night.

So this post's title is fitting: London Calling - obviously it refers to what happened there on Thursday and more subtly (for those who know your music and know me), refers to my uploads to iTunes: except I think the only Clash song I have uploaded so far is Rock the Casbah...

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