Friday, July 22, 2005

Such A Long Week

I am happy that it's Friday - this week has just dragged for a number of reasons: This is the first, five day week I have worked since mid-June! Yes, due to flex Fridays, stat holidays, illness and other events I have become accustomed to working four day weeks, not five.

On top of that, this is the first week, and first Friday that I have spent entirely in the office. All the other Fridays I have worked, I have spent mostly out of the office shopping for promotions. And the last Friday I worked I was at the Sea Vancouver Festival, so I was outdoors all day. I have to say though, what a waste of time and money the festival was; it places such a black mark on Vancouver's image. Hopefully other events will make people and vendors forget...

The last few weeks at work
have been extremely busy; with four day weeks and four day weekends, I have had a lot of catching up to do - but I caught up, and now I don't have any work to do. Well, that's not entirely true. I do have some work, but not enough to last an entire day - maybe a few hours.

But it's Friday. And next week is a four day week, and next weekend is a four day weekend, so I can't really complain, can I?

So on to the other part of my life... the Wedding.

So only three weeks left of planning, thank god! We managed to get through a lot of the details this week, so now we only have a few things left to do. I had a couple of hiccups this past week, but it is all dealt with:

"We have a piper down, we have a piper down..."

Unfortunately, my piper had to cancel, but he did find me a new one, so I still have a piper for my wedding - who happens to be the ex-Pipe Major for the Vancouver Police Pipe Band, so I guess I could do worse. I just hope he doesn't keel over during the ceremony - he joined the Police Pipe Band in 1951! And was the Pipe Major from 1967-1984.

Speaking of keeling over, this is what is preventing me from being able to book a rehearsal time at the Yacht Club; which, by the way, I can't book until the Monday before the wedding! Apparently they can't book small events, just in case a member dies and the Yacht Club is needed for a wake or something along those lines. I am not going to say too much here, as I have already ranted and raved over this "rule", but have come to accept it - so here's the game plan:

We have arranged the rehearsal for the Wednesday (two days before the wedding). Colin's parents are hosting the rehearsal dinner at their house, so if we cannot book the Yacht Club for August 10th, we will do the rehearsal at the Blackstocks. But to ensure everyone knows what they are doing, and where they are supposed to be, Colin and I will recreate the space we will be in. Let me explain: Next week we are going to the club to take measurements of the room and patio where the ceremony will be held. Then using string (or some other substitute), we will outline the size of the patio, the width of the aisle, and the space the guests will be in. So even though most of the wedding party won't know what the space looks like, they will know what to do. I hope...

Just think, only a couple more weeks of me blogging about the wedding [planning]. I'm not sure who is more glad about this: you or me!

I am looking forward to my and Colin's family arriving - I am sure they will be happy to be away from London for a couple of weeks. The first of the family arrives this Sunday, and the rest a week or so before the wedding.

On an entirely different note, I am happy I can finally (and easily) put pictures into my blog!

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