Sunday, March 27, 2005

Plumbing, Bill Maher and Timmy Ho's...

So it all started Thursday, late afternoon. I had been to Curves and needed a shower after my workout. Colin and I were also heading out that night to see Bill Maher, so another reason to jump in the shower.

When I arrived home from work I noticed a plumbing company van parked in the driveway, and put two and two together when I went to have shower and there was no hot water. I decided to let the water run for a few minutes, but all I got was frigid water. Shortly after I turned off the tub I got a phone call from my landlord. There was water coming down into the apartment below us! She asked me to check to see if their was water anywhere in our bathroom - the floor was bone dry, but for whatever reason, she didn't believe me. A few minutes after the call, the resident maintenace guy showed up. He rolled his eyes because he knew I was perfectly capable of figuring out if the bathroom floor was dry or not.

I thought it very interesting that the plumbers were working on the building and all of a sudden the pipes in our unit start leaking - they had been fine earlier in the day.

Finally the hot water returns, and I decide to have my shower. Again, a few minutes after getting out of the shower, my landlord calls. Now not only is water coming through the apartment below us but into our Landlord's apartment as well (which is two apartments below us). Since everything in our bathroom is dry, I figure one of our pipes must be leaking.

Anyways, she sends Colin up to the roof to make sure there is no water up there. I know this is very frustrating for our landlord and neighbour below us, but if there was water on the roof wouldn't it also leak into our apartment too?

Like our bathroom floor, the roof was dry.

The plumbers were still in the building at this point, so one of them came to the apartment and knocked a big hole in the wall and found the leaky pipe. But these sort of things never happen at a convenient time. Like I said, Colin and I were heading out that night to see Bill Maher. So trying to get ready with a plumber in the bathroom makes life interesting, but we managed and let him be and went out and enjoyed our evening.

Bill Maher was so funny. My cheeks were sore after laughing for two hours straight. It was interesting to listen to what he had to say about the current state of his country and government (USA); and I liked his insight into personal opinions and making those personal opinions law. For example, you may disagree with allowing gays to marry and you are perfectly entitled to that opinion; but don't shove your opinion down everyone's throats by trying to make it federal law. There were some other good examples, but it's been almost a week since the show and I can't remember everything he said.

After the show, I had a craving for some Tim Horton's. So we left downtown and drove out to Richmond, to the Tim Horton's by the Oak Street Bridge.

Yes, I am fully aware that Tim Horton's is not considered a fine dining establishment, but patrons need to have respect for other patrons. I wanted to go to Timmy Ho's to enjoy a cup of tea, my chocolate timbits and discuss Bill Maher's show with Colin. But that was hard to do with two little kids running around the store, screaming. The worst thing about this, the parents did sweet F-all. They just let their children run around, banging into tables, disturbing everyone around them. Needless to say we didn't stay too long.

We returned home to a large hole in the bathroom wall. They put some sort of plastic clamp on the pipe to stop it from leaking and would be returning 8am monday morning to fix it. This didn't sit well with me, because this was my 4 day weekend and I had planned on sleeping in every day.

By some stroke of luck, another leak sprang in our pipe on Friday, and I will tell you why this is lucky:

The plumbers were back in the building on Friday, because units on the other side of the building had begun leaking and the laundry room flooded. This is not good. But, because the plumbers were around they were able to come in and take a look at the new leak. I had put towels around the pipe to sop up the water and it seemed to be working. One of the plumbers noticed there was a large crack in our toilet {insert joke here} and would bring us a new one on Saturday. Yeah!!! No more pink toilet. He also noticed our taps were looking a little worse for wear so he would replace those as well. So I now have a nice, bone coloured toilet. But it gets even better. The taps are fused onto the sink, so they need to replace the whole sink - which means no more pink sink, but a nice, bone coloured one to match our new toilet. And there's more... They are going to put a vanity into our bathroom. That means no longer having to use the top of the toilet for counter space!

They were supposed to come by yesterday morning, but haven't been able to get a bone coloured sink yet, and now our sink is leaking...

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