Friday, April 29, 2005

The Nature of Blogs (or an agreement with Tina ;))

Blogs are neat, little things. There are no rules to them, except just write. Write whatever comes to mind and share it with your friends and with the anonymous faces in cyberspace.

I have come across blogs that are dedicated to a particular pasttime: one that comes to mind is crocheting. Yes, I actually found an entire blog dedicated to crocheting.

Then there are the blogs that offer social commentary and have even been used as serious news articles. Yes, breaking news through the world of Blog.

But mostly, blogs seem to be about our lives: sometimes it is an exact account of our day; we often talk about our feelings good and bad; we offer our opinion on things; and for some, it is a way (whether they think it is, or not) to show us that they have an enourmous chip on the shoulder. Everyone has bad days and runs of bad luck, it happens. But some people think the whole world is out to get them. It's only out to get you, because you let bowl you over.

I enjoy my friends' blogs, it's a great way to keep caught up with one another, especially in this hectic day and age. But there are some who's blogs make me feel rather depressed and sorry for those people, that they can't seem to focus on the good parts of life: "you take the good, you take the bad, and there you have..." Yes, I did just quote the facts of life, but it's true. People know my gripes, we all have them, but I also try to offer up some of the fun things in my life as well. For instance, tonight, I am going to the U2 concert. I am so excited about it I woke up at 6am this morning (after going to bed at 12:30am). God what I am going to be like the day before my wedding...

So for all you bloggers, share your woes, but also give us the good times, because, quite frankly, I have no time and energy for those in a perpetual state of gloomy gusiness. (That last word looks a bit like Guiness, doesn't it? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more).

4 hours until Vertigo...

1 comment:

Tina said...

I love it when people agree with me! Makes me feel special, and balances out the constant critical looks I get from the rats! ;) (Psst, they're still up for grabs!)